Using ConvertKit as your email marketing platform, in conjunction with a WordPress website, is a potent combination that delivers so many opportunities for you.

Did you know that the WordPress plugin developed by the team over at ConvertKit lets you do the following;

  • Automatically create a website blog post from a broadcast email you created inside ConvertKit.
  • Create gated content on your website (member-only).
  • Display variable content, depending on a subscriber’s preferences.
  • Automatically tag subscribers, based on their website activity.
  • Embed opt-in forms and landing pages in your web pages.

When you employ these features as part of your email marketing strategy, it can be a game-changer for your business.

How to install ConvertKit’s WordPress plugin.

Once logged into your WordPress website as ‘Admin’, you need to add the ConvertKit plugin. There are a few different ConvertKit plugins, so just make sure you choose the right one!

Once it’s installed, you’ll see a new menu option appearing under the ‘Settings‘ menu option;

This will bring up the main dashboard for the ConvertKit plugin. Under the ‘General‘ tab, you’ll be asked to enter two unique keys (API Key and API Secret) to connect your Convertkit account to your WordPress website.

To find your two unique keys, you need to log into ConvertKit and copy them from there. Head to the menu option at the top-right corner of ConvertKit;

This will open up a new settings page with multiple menu options; head for the bottom-left corner, for the one entitled ‘Advanced‘;

You’ll then see, on the right-hand side, the two API keys that you can copy and paste into your WordPress form; the first API key will be visible, but you’ll need to click the ‘Show’ link before you’ll be able to copy and paste the ‘API Secret(see image below);

Once you’ve entered and saved these unique keys, your ConvertKit will have been authenticated and ready to use in WordPress.

How to use the WordPress plugin

I have created a complete article on how to use the ConvertKit WordPress plugin, which you can access by clicking the button below;

There are 4 main functions covered in the article above are;

  1. Subscriber tagging
  2. Creating blog posts from emails
  3. Creating member-only content
  4. Personalising web pages with custom content

The most effective way I have found to use Convertkit’s WordPress plugin is to use both platforms in unison, sharing subscriber data that delivers a much richer experience for them, both during website visits and when receiving content via email – it’s an incredibly powerful proposition, one that can’t easily be matched!

The activity tracked on your website can determine subscriber preferences in ConvertKit, and those preferences can help craft more meaningful content in the emails that land in subscribers’ inboxes.

⚡️What to do now…

Install the ConvertKit WordPress plugin and authenticate your ConvertKit account using the API keys.

Once authenticated, give each of the functions a go, see what works best for you and if there’s anything you can’t quite wrap your head around, message me and I’ll send you some pointers.

I use ConvertKit and WordPress every day, and would struggle to function efficiently without them.

John Bellingham
Email marketing strategist for aspirational freelancers.

If we haven’t already done so, let’s connect on LinkedIn.

John Bellingham
John Bellingham
Articles: 79