Three reasons why you don’t want to miss out on what ConvertKit’s doing!

Recently, there have been several, what I consider, relatively significant announcements and releases by the ConvertKit team.

You get the sense that it’s ready to take a seismic leap forward as a marketing platform.

I’ve used many email marketing platforms (or email service providers) over the years, but never have I attached the same degree of affection to one as I do with ConvertKit.

It just ticks the boxes when it comes to usability and function. For an owner of a small business, it offers almost all I want. You can tell it’s being influenced by people who have a small business mind, and not a ‘corporate’ one.

Nathan Barry, the founder, instils and encourages an attitude of ‘side-hustling’ among his staff, meaning their collective business needs and suggestions for improving the platform are helping shape the ongoing feature set of the product.

In this article, I want to share with you three recent introductions that I believe will only improve in the coming months and years.

They’re all available without having to pay a penny – which in itself is pretty amazing (I’m a big believer in paying for software as it’s the only way a company can continually introduce and support more features).

Reason #1: The ‘Newsletter’ plan allows up to 10,000 subscribers and is free!

If you’re just getting started with email marketing, and ConvertKit, then there’s never been a better time when it comes to their free plan.

You can collect up to 10,000 subscribers on their ‘Newsletter‘ plan and it won’t cost you a single bean!

Before they launched this plan, it wasn’t possible to include a visual automation or an email sequence without paying for a premium plan, but now you get one of each included in the free plan.

If you go and perform a like-for-like comparison with all other platforms on the market right now, you won’t find one that offers more than the ‘Newsletter’ plan.

The best way to use this plan is to create a regular newsletter using an evergreen email sequence, meaning once it’s created and set up properly, it’ll run on autopilot for you, collecting leads and drip-feeding content to your subscribers. You can then enhance your subscribers’ experiences with a blended mix of broadcast emails.

If you’d like to start a newsletter using ConvertKit, download my free guide on how to craft, design, and launch one using ConvertKit.

Reason #2: The App Store

At the company’s recent ‘Craft & Commerce’ show in Boise, Idaho, it was announced that ConvertKit has introduced an ‘App Store’ to the platform, meaning any developer can now apply to get access to their API (Application Programming Interface) and create new functionality by way of an integrated ‘app’.

At the time of writing, there are currently 24 apps in the App Store (see image below), each one capable of being connected to your ConvertKit account; (some are free, others are paid-for);

I’ve used (or in some cases, tested) a number of these apps in my ConvertKit system, including WordPress, Stripe, SavvyCal, Teachable, Mighty Networks, Gumroad, OptinMonster, Zapier, Kitboard, and Senja.

Over time, I can envisage a point where we’ll have access to a suite of apps, much like WordPress has plugins for that platform, that we can choose for a particular purpose – it’ll give us the ability to design and construct our version of ConvertKit (or ‘Kit‘ as it will be soon!).

Barry cited the App Store as the single biggest announcement the company has ever made in its 11-year history, so I guess that gives a sense of what it means internally as well as to us, the users and customers.

Reason #3: The Creator Network

ConvertKit created the ‘Creator Network‘ to facilitate the sharing of audiences between their network of creators (hence, the name).

The premise of the model is based on me recommending you to my subscriber list, and you recommending me (or, someone else) to your subscribers. This ripple effect of creators recommending other creators has now become ‘Recommendations‘ in ConvertKit.

If you’d like to know more about ‘Recommendations’ and the Creator Network, check out this article I created on the topic.

To join the Creator Network and use the Recommendations feature, you need to prepare your Creator Profile using the page builder tool available from within your ConvertKit account.

Since its inception, the Creator Profile has been enhanced to act almost like a mini-website, giving up to 7 web pages to share your details and public content you wish to share (just like this article you’re reading now – it’s listed on my Creator Profile).

It’s your Creator Profile that other creators will check out when they’re considering recommending you – it’s also good practice to subscribe to a creator’s email before you recommend them to your list, that way, you can vouch for the quality of their content.

Check out this article where I show you how to set up your Creator Profile.

P.S. What’s in a name?

As you’re undoubtedly aware, ConvertKit is about to rebrand their business, changing to ‘Kit‘, and dropping the ‘Convert‘ part.

I’ve seen some resistance to the change, mostly from passers-by on social platforms, pontificating the perils of such a move, even though, in all likelihood, they’ve never gone through it themselves.

I’ve seen those ‘in the know’ tell Nathan and his team why it’s the wrong move, but I find it difficult to doubt the decision, especially when they’ve started a company from nothing (literally, nothing!) and grown it a valuation in excess of $320m – they obviously know what they’re doing.

Personally, I like the new name and I understand ConvertKit’s reasoning behind the change. They believe the ‘Convert’ part of the brand is too restrictive, especially in light of the recent App Store announcement, where the proposition has changed – now offering tools for a ‘Kit’ that goes well beyond just ‘converting’.

I see a bright future for ConvertKit and I, for one, will be embracing the new arrivals that I’m sure will continue to follow!

⚡️ Summary

ConvertKit has made some significant announcements recently and continues to invest in its features to become even more helpful for owners of small businesses – just like you and me.

Three of these announcements are;

  • The free Newsletter plan, with up to 10,000 subscribers.
  • The App Store where developers can design and introduce new apps.
  • The Creator Network where we can all get recommendations from our fellow creators and email marketers.

It’s also announced a rebranding, moving from ConvertKit to ‘Kit’, due to be delivered during September 2024.

John Bellingham
Email marketing strategist for aspirational small business owners.

If we haven’t already done so, let’s connect on LinkedIn.

The Beginner’s Guide to Email Marketing gives you everything you need to know to design, launch, and run an effective email marketing system in your business.

John Bellingham
John Bellingham
Articles: 77