What you can expect from the training program
Imagine waking up each morning to find fresh new leads in your inbox.
People who have consumed your content, saw value in what you created and now want to get even more of it arriving in their inboxes.
That's where we all want to be, right? Delivering content that keeps us and our businesses top-of-mind for our potential clients.
That's what Convert With ConvertKit: Email Marketing for Small Business Owners will teach you how to do.
Design, build, and launch an automated email marketing system that collects leads from your social channels and adds them to your growing subscriber list.
Once launched, you'll have emails going out to your list to educate, entertain, or inform them with content that's crafted to reflect your brand and tone of voice.
The fresh content delivered will continually give value to your subscriber 'list', to convert them into paying clients.