People need a good reason to subscribe to your email list

Nobody scrolls through social media or websites thinking… “I need more emails.“.

Subscribing to an email list happens only when a subscriber is convinced that enough value exists on the other side of that sign-up process.

You’ve done it yourself, you’ll be on LinkedIn, and you see someone sharing a post saying they are running a webinar next week showing you how to [fill the blank] – the only way to get access to the webinar is by typing in your name and email address.

But you do it, don’t you… but, why?

Because you perceive the webinar to be worth the value exchange of your email details for the knowledge/experience that you’ll get access to.

So, the first step in growing a profitable email subscriber list is to get clear what your prospective subscribers’ ‘reason’ is – i.e. why they’ll want to join.

For context, people join my list to get help with designing, building, and launching a profitable email marketing system, specifically using ConvertKit as the email marketing platform.

How to incentivise your potential subscribers

Once you’re clear about the reason why subscribers will want to join your list, you need to create and offer (for free) solutions to a few of their most common problems or challenges – these solutions are commonly referred to as ‘lead magnets‘.

Effective lead magnets must have 3 main attributes;

  • Clear about the problem/challenge they overcome
  • Can be easily and quickly implemented by the recipient
  • Solves a single problem/challenge in its entirety

If you try to solve too many problems with a single lead magnet, you’ll most likely dilute its effectiveness and perhaps even confuse (or overwhelm) the recipient.

The best way to figure out what would be a great lead magnet for your business is to ask your target audience what their biggest or most common problems are; you’ll likely find that there’s a common theme running through the responses.

As an example in my business, my clients mostly struggle to get started with email marketing – they become confused and overwhelmed by the volume of information available online, and become almost paralysed by the uncertainty.

That’s why my most commonly requested lead magnet is a beginner’s guide to email marketing – this downloadable PDF gives them a clear understanding of what’s involved and allows them to ignore the unnecessary noise outside of these core elements.

Types of lead magnets

As you know (or can imagine), there are a tonne of choices when it comes to designing and creating effective lead magnets;

The most commonly used types;

  • Downloadable PDFs
  • Video
  • Audio (podcasts)
  • Cheatsheets
  • Templates
  • Quizzes/Scorecards
  • 1:1 Calls
  • Trials of paid products/services
  • Memberships
  • Email courses
  • Free chapter of a book
  • Webinars
  • Challenges

As you can hopefully see, the range of lead magnets is only limited by your imagination and creativity.

I recommend starting with a simple PDF or email course as these are the easiest to create and share with your subscribers.

And just in case you’re ‘that person’ – stick to just one lead magnet for now and think about the other 20 you have in your head, later on! 😜

Where to share your lead magnet

The short answer is, everywhere.

A more helpful answer is to share it on the social platforms where your target audiences spend most of their time.

Put aside any personal feelings you may have about any particular platform because it’s not about you, it’s about attracting future clients to your business.

And don’t forget about your website, if you have one. Don’t miss the opportunity to move a casual visitor onto your subscriber list by offering to solve one of their problems.

Over time, you’ll begin to spot other opportunities to spread the footprint of where your lead magnet can be found; including email signatures, invoice footers, blog posts, publishing platforms (e.g. substack, medium etc.), podcast episode pages, social profiles/bios, and video intros/outros.

Share it wherever and whenever you can – every share is another lottery ticket in the game of email subscriber list growth.

Getting started with ConvertKit

If you haven’t yet signed up for a free ConvertKit account, you can do so using my affiliate link, and if you’d prefer not to use my affiliate link (I think I get about $2-$3 if you use it, with no additional cost to you), then you can go directly here.

With a free plan that trumps any other, you can grow a list of up to 10,000 subscribers whilst including automation and sequenced drip-fed emails.

Once you get your account set up, there are 3 basic elements you’ll need to create, each of which I’ll walk you through;

  1. Create a landing page: this is a web page hosted by ConvertKit where you can send your interested traffic (share the URL) so they can enter their name and email address, and you can share your lead magnet.
  2. Create your first email sequence: when a subscriber joins your email list, they want (and need) supporting emails to lead them, step-by-step, to get the most from your lead magnet – this is known as your ‘lead magnet sequence’.
  3. Create your first visual automation: this is where the magic happens; you configure ConvertKit to do what you want it to do, and then let it do its thing, 24/7/365.

Create a landing page

A landing page is essentially a regular web page, only it has minimal distractions for visitors; they are less likely to wander off to look at other content and more likely to do what you want – subscribe!

I’ve created a separate article that walks you through in detail, the steps needed to build and publish your first landing page.

In this article, I show you how to create landing pages in ConvertKit. These are digital assets you can create to collect subscriber details, in exchange for your lead magnet.

Create your first email sequence

To maximise engagement and encourage your subscribers to actually use the ‘thing’ they just asked you for, you need to craft a series of emails that support the solving of the problem they came to you with.

This is referred to as your ‘lead magnet sequence’.

A lead magnet sequence should have as many emails as is necessary to help the subscriber through the process and be sent out at appropriate intervals, depending on the task at hand.

Here’s an example that I use in my business;

One of my lead magnets is a downloadable PDF document entitled, “A Beginner’s Guide to Email Marketing” – it’s a 35-page guide that helps small service-based business owners get started with their email marketing system.

Once they download the guide, I then place them into a lead magnet sequence in ConvertKit that drip-feeds a series of 9 emails over 10 days.

These are intended to keep the subscribers motivated to complete what they started and to guide them through various stages of the process.

The beauty of the drip-fed sequence is that even if they don’t act on each step, day after day, they have all the emails in their inbox to refer back to when they need to do so.

In the image below, you can see the sequence inside ConvertKit;

In the main section of the screen, you can see the email editor, and to the right-hand side, you can see the series of emails that get sent out throughout the sequence.

Create automation to make your system work like magic

Now that you have your lead magnet, your landing page, and your lead magnet email sequence, it’s time to create the bit that does all the clever stuff – the visual automation!

I’ll break down the process into 3 simple steps;

Step 1: Create a new visual automation

Navigate to the menu option ‘Automate‘ > ‘Visual Automations‘;

Click on ‘Visual Automations‘ to enter the builder;

There is a list of automation templates that ConvertKit has created for us to use, however, for this article, I’ll show you how to create one from scratch.

Click on the ‘Start from scratch‘ button;

Click on the ‘Start Building‘ button;

Select the landing page that you created (in the section above) from the drop-down menu and click the ‘Add Event‘ button – this will become the entry point for your automation.

Click the little ‘+‘ icon underneath the entry point to add the next step in your automation – this will be adding your lead magnet email sequence.

Click the ‘Email sequence‘ button and then select the relevant sequence, i.e the one you created in the section above.

Click the ‘Add Action‘ button to add the sequence to your automation.

That is your visual automation ready to be switched on and do its thing!

One last thing – don’t forget to slide that ‘Active‘ button at the top-right corner of the visual automation desktop, that’s what’ll trigger it to start working. 👇

Once active, every subscriber that joins your list via your landing will be sent your email sequence before exiting the automation after the last email has been sent.

Share your lead magnet and watch your 1st subscriber arrive!

Now the time has arrived – start sharing the URL that ConvertKit created when you published your landing page across your socials and you’ll have your first email subscriber before you go to bed tonight!

⚡️ Summary

Give yourself and your business a new flow of fresh leads with email subscribers; follow each step above and hit that ‘Active’ button!

Share your URL with me and I’ll happily give you my thoughts on your system and become one of your first subscribers.


  1. Get a free account with ConvertKit
  2. Create a lead magnet
  3. Create a landing page
  4. Create an email sequence
  5. Create a visual automation
  6. Switch it on to make it ‘live’! ⚡️

Have a go, don’t be afraid of breaking anything (because you won’t!) and grow your email list!

John Bellingham
Email marketing strategist for aspirational small business owners.

If we haven’t already done so, let’s connect on LinkedIn.

The Beginner’s Guide to Email Marketing gives you everything you need to know to design, launch, and run an effective email marketing system in your business.

John Bellingham
John Bellingham
Articles: 77