An article by john bellingham convert with convertkit for freelancers

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Why every freelancer must be using email marketing to thrive in today's marketplace
Why every freelancer must be using email marketing to thrive in today's marketplace!
You could be putting yourself at a disadvantage In today's competitive business landscape, it feels like every penny spent needs...
Should you use a 'single' or a 'double' opt-in policy with your email.
Should you use a 'single' or a 'double' opt-in policy with your email?
What are opt-in policies and why do they matter? In simple terms, an opt-in policy is the rules we set out when someone wishes...
The system I use to design and build digital courses in ConvertKit
Here's the system I use to design and build digital courses in ConvertKit...
Designing and delivering a digital course If you decide that you want to design and create a new digital course, the first thought...
How to install and use ConvertKit’s WordPress plugin. (3)
How to install and use ConvertKit’s WordPress plugin.
Using ConvertKit as your email marketing platform, in conjunction with a WordPress website, is a potent combination that delivers...
10 reasons why every freelancer should be using email marketing to drive sales.
10 reasons why every freelancer should be using email marketing to drive sales.
If you're a freelancer and not using email marketing to drive sales, you're putting yourself at a disadvantage. It's like running...