Category Email Marketing

Valuable articles that help to explain what email marketing is, how it works, and how you can utilise it in your business to optimise the results that you get from your marketing spend.

How I use ConvertKit’s WordPress plugin with my website.

How I use ConvertKit’s WordPress plugin with my website.
How I use ConvertKit's WordPress plugin with my website If you use (or you're thinking about using) ConvertKit as your preferred email marketing platform and you have (or plan to have) a WordPress website, then this one is for you. As an aside, if you have a WordPress website that someone else manages on your behalf, then this article is still relevant as you can share the functionality with them and get them to install it for you. ConvertKit's WordPress plugin The ConvertKit WordPress plugin...
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How I created a free and a paid newsletter, using ConvertKit.

How I created a free and paid newsletter, using ConvertKit.
How I created a free and a paid newsletter, using ConvertKit. First things, first... what is a 'newsletter'? (from an email marketing perspective) A 'newsletter' being sent from an email marketing platform (like ConvertKit) is nothing more than an 'email' being sent - it's just how you position it that frames it as a 'newsletter'. And the difference between a 'free' and a 'paid' newsletter, as obvious as it seems, is a paywall that you place between the subscription to, and the delivery of,...
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How to create and sell products using ConvertKit.

How to create and sell your products using ConvertKit.
How to create and sell your products using ConvertKit ConvertKit's email marketing platform provides so much more than email marketing, as crazy as that may sound. Of course, it serves its main purpose well, especially for service-based freelancers, but it delivers so many more features. In today's competitive marketplace, software platforms need to pivot and complement their core proposition with other supporting functions - which is great for us, because it means we need fewer apps or...
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How I verify my email-sending domain in ConvertKit.

How I verify my email-sending domain in ConvertKit
How to verify your email sending domain, using ConvertKit. You'll need this to comply with Yahoo and Google's email rules (i.e. "Yahoogle") In Feb 2024, Yahoo and Google made, what can be considered, significant changes to how we all must do email marketing. But, it's all for a good cause - to reduce the amount of spam we see dropping into our mailboxes each day, so it's a good thing. Several conditions are mentioned in their respective content releases, however, suffice it to say we're only interested in those that directly affect us, as freelancers...
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How I (randomly) recommend others from within my emails, using ConvertKit.

How I (randomly) recommend others from within my emails, using ConvertKit.
Effective email marketing is all about making your subscribers' experience as rich as possible. The more useful and relevant you can make your messaging, the more likely people are to stick around. I believe that by adding more value, my subscribers win When I send out my weekly emails, I sometimes recommend people I believe can...
Read MoreHow I (randomly) recommend others from within my emails, using ConvertKit.

How I use the power of ‘snippets’ in my ConvertKit emails.

How I use the power of ‘snippets’ in my ConvertKit emails.
If you're used to sending out emails to your subscribers, you'll be familiar with the feeling of repeating many sections of content, across your list of emails. Convertkit's 'snippets' are a time-saver and convenience Snippets' are reusable chunks of content you can create once and include infinitely across your emails. They remove the need for copying and pasting content from one email to another (as we've all done, I'm sure). To get started, select the menu option, 'Send' -> 'Snippets' When...
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How I grow my email list using Convertkit’s ‘Recommendations’

How I grow my email list using Convertkit’s ‘Recommendations’
Email subscriber list growth is key to success You don't need me to tell you how lucrative a digital marketing channel email marketing is, but I will anyway... 😜 According to those who do global analysis and forecasting (e.g. Statista, the German data giant), email marketing provides an average ROI of more than 30 to 1 (the latest figure states £38 for every £1 invested). But here's the rub - an effective email marketing system doesn't happen by accident; it takes careful design and...
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How I automatically email a digest of my blog posts, using ConvertKit.

How I automatically email a digest of my recent blog posts, using ConvertKit.
Before I get into the content of this blog post, you might want to check out this other one (where I show you how I create blog posts automatically, using ConvertKit) as it'll make this one even more useful. Create subscriber convenience with automation You know what it's like, with so much information buzzing around, especially on socials, things get missed. Your subscribers may be looking at your website or Creator Profile (this is a feature of ConvertKit), and consuming your articles, but...
Read MoreHow I automatically email a digest of my blog posts, using ConvertKit.

How I Created My Creator Profile Using ConvertKit

How I created my Creator Profile using ConvertKit
Crafted in Glasgow, Monday, Feb 19, 2024, 21:16 If you want somewhere online to showcase you and your products/services, ConvertKit offers a solution in the form of its 'Creator Profile'. What is the 'Creator Profile'? The clue's kinda in the name. it's a profile of you, the creator. There are four main elements to your Creator Profile and each is optional, meaning you don't need to use all of them if you don't want to. Here is a screenshot of my profile, together with a link if you want to...
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How to create your website blog posts using ConvertKit.

How to create your website blog posts using ConvertKit
Crafted in Glasgow, Friday, Feb 16, 2024, 14:23 If you have a WordPress website (or plan to), I have something that's really cool to share with you - I've been using it in my business for a few months. It's one of the features that comes with ConvertKit's WordPress plugin - and this is how it works... If you haven't yet installed the ConvertKit WordPress plugin, download and install it now - it's the one showing below that you'll want.) Okay, now log into ConvertKit... Open a new...
Read MoreHow to create your website blog posts using ConvertKit.